Note de contenu :
Womankind ; The sweetest lad was jamie ; The kiss, dear maid, thy lip has left ; Come draw we round a cheerful ring ; Come fill, fill, my good fellow ; On the massacre of Glencoe ; What shall I do to shaew how much I love her ; The farewell song ; The lovely lass of Inverness ; Oh ! Thou art the lad of my heart, Willy ; The dream ; The pulse of an Irishman ; The return to Ulster ; Constancy ; To the Aeolian Harp ; Since Greybeards inform us that Youth will decay ; The Parting Kiss ; Wife, children and friends ; Again my lyre ; God save the king! ; The valva of Clwyd ; The monks of Bangor's march ; Faithfu' Johnie ; The soldier' dream.